Javelina Crew News
"Most Hated"
June 2016
Mototrcycle Club, so yes we ride. We make a trip out to La. and visit our Brothers. 890 mile round trip to visit and support one of the Best Chapters we know. As a chapter we ride and add to the total of miles on the highway. It isnt for everyone. Not everyone can do what we do, but riding and Brotherhood go hand in hand. If not, Dont even try this.
Members from all over the world travel to Indiana, where for an entire weekend members meet Old Brothers, new Brothers, and celebrate our Club. This year, brothers travel from one coast to the other and end their journey at the event. In total, we travel in excess of 2550 miles with great stories and moments. Thank you to our Brothers in the "Ridge Runner" Chapter for the shelter and the "Curves".
This year, brought out more members than expected, and it was amazing. Yea, in case you asked,... "We Ride"
The Javelina Chapter Joins other clubs in our area to go and support the "Ride for the Fallen". Various different clubs of Law Enforcement gather and Ride in a procession to the State Capitol with Escort to the monument there. This year riders from all walks of life go to honor and remember those who gave their lives in the line of duty.
April 06
The Javelina Chapter supports the March of Dimes for the yearly walk/run. This event takes Place in San Antonio, at Sea world and is a celebration for survivors, brings awarness, and conducted in Memory of those who we have lost. We sponsor and help this Charity every year and have met some very good people.
Members of the Javelina Chapter travel to Ausitn to help celebrate our Brothers Anniversary there. Riding thru a storm is becoming a regular thing this year. It was great to spend time on the road and in the company of Good Brothers.
March 06
Out on the road, we make our way to north to attend an anniversary party for our Ft. Worth Chapter. Weather was decent with low temperatures, but high temps are around the corner. Brotherhood all ways has a journey and it is all ways worth it. Yea, we ride!
Members of the Javelina Chapter head out West to El Paso to help celebrate the anniversary of our Chapter there. Members from as far as California come to the event in the spirit of Brotherhood. The trip is a long one, but riding across the country in a pack is what makes the trip special.
Brothers travel to New Orleans on what is becoming a yearly event to support our Brothers there. Once there were only around 4 Patched Brothers in La. Not now. Memebers From the Javelina brave the weather to enjoy some Brother time. 1204 miles was the entire distance traveled. It was amazing.
December Toy Wrap 2015
This is the second year that we have been able to attend the toy wrap. We like to find reasons to get out and ride. Even in the cold. This year we wrapped 1100 presents and raised enoug money for 4000 meals. I believe that being with our Brothers, family members, and riding to events like this, is the real meaning of Christmas.
Thanksgiving 2015 (Austin, Bulverde, San Antonio)
Helping out others and helping to make our communities better is something we do. It is one of the reasons we enjoy our club. This year we helped out to Provide Thanksgiving for those less fortunate. In Bulverde we cooked and served. In San Antonio, we took meals to the less fortunate people. How?? On our bikes, as a club.
Summer 2015
Where have we been? On the road. We do like to keep this thing up to date though. So, wanna have breakfast? We are out in Fredricksburg. Wanna go to the south, we are off in Victoria Texas. Why not stop and see the fort in Goliad as well. Austin for dinner, done. Today, we started in San Antonio, rode out to Houston for a party. took off to Austin again, and ended up back in San Antonio. Yes, this is an MC, we ride. When winter comes, we will still be riding.
In the News. Good job Brothers
Lone Star Celebrates their 1st Anniversary
Members of the Javelina Chapter ride and meet our Brothers in celebration of their anniversary. Like all ways, we formed up to greet our brothers from various other chapters in Texas and take the Hill Country. We ride through out the day visiting local places, and cherish the time with Brothers, Friends, and family. After riding all day and doing the 3 sisters, we return to base camp and begin to cool down. Some members jumped in the creek, others talked under the shade, and others prepared for the arrival of other brothers. This was a good effort and a big success for our Brothers from Houston. Happy Anniversary and we will see you on the road.
4TH of July:
What a great Holiday. We were fortunate to take the time and give thanks to all of those that have served the Country in the past for what we have today. To all of those that gave the ultimate for their loved ones at home, and the Brother standing by your side on the battlefield, you are not forgotten.
We attended a party with Brothers from near and far. It was good to see you all. Be safe on the road and Thank you.
Dallas Chapter party:
Members take the next chance available to Ride and visit with distant Brothers. Members from local Chapters as well as distant, make the trip to celebrate the success of our Brothers in Dallas. We celebrate this event in the only manner in which we know. Time on the road with each other as we move across the country on our bikes. Arrival is not only half the journey, but it also marks the beginning of the event.
National Rally 2015
Members of the Javelina made the yearly rally to the Mother Chapter. Members throught the World gather to celebrate 4 days of riding, Brotherhood, events, and entertainment. We were happy to meet old Brothers, and new ones. We were pleased to meet brothers from as far as France and England. We take a moment to think of those that have passed and are also seperated from their loved ones while serving the U.S.A.